Introducing a new Credit System to Sharetransport Bus Passes for all your favourite bus routes!

Introducing a new Credit System to Sharetransport Bus Passes for all your favourite bus routes!

December 03rd, 2020 | NEWS  

New email

New Features:

  1. Choose a bundle of 10 – 40 credits
  2. Save up to 20% when you checkout
  3. Credits are valid for 60 days from date of purchase
  4. Before your credits expire, simply top up your credits to get your balance credits extended by another 60 days!
  5. Cut-Off Time to apply and withdraw Bus Pass is NOW REDUCED to 30 minutes before the start of the trip for greater convenience!

Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the questions answered :

Q. Can I still buy daily bus passes?
A. Yes. You may still purchase daily passes but there will be no bulk discount. The bulk discount feature is replaced with the new credit system model.
Q. Are monthly Passes still available under the New Credit System?
A. No. Passengers who have bought December 2020 monthly passes are still valid. However, there will be no sale of new monthly Bus Passes.
Q. Are credits transferable?
A. No. Credits are strictly non-transferable.
Q. Can I use the same set of credits for AM and PM route?
A. This feature is currently unavailable. Passengers have to buy a separate set of credits for AM and PM route.
Q. Can I use the same set of credits for different routes?
A. No. The credits purchased are routes specific.
Q. What happens to my credits and credit vouchers that are expiring 31 December 2020? Can they be used under this new Credit System?
A. Credits and credits vouchers issued during the Circuit Breaker Period are automatically extended to 31st March 2021. You may use the credit vouchers to purchase Bus Passes or Credits under the new Credit System.
Q. Can I still withdraw bus passes after applying the credits to the day pass?
A. Yes, we have amended the cut-off timings to 30 minutes before the start of the service.
Q. How do I apply my Credits into Bus Passes?
A. i. Select “Bus Pass” under Menu
ii. Tap on 🔻 where it shows the total available credits
iii. Select “Tap to use Credits”
Q. Can I buy credits in the WebApp? 
A. No. The current WebApp version only support the purchase of Bus Passes. Please note that Bulk Discounts and Monthly Pass is no longer available. Need more help? Drop us an email at

Need more help?
Drop us an email at